about projects blog

Hey, I'm Zach.

You found my site!

I'm a software engineer and avid
aquarist looking for hard to solve
problems and those rare but fun
challenges in life.


Coding Projects


Mobile Application

Java - XML - SQLite

A universal packaged tracker, that takes advantage of an open-source page crawling library to search and seek out the statuses of the package tracking numbers added.

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Parthenon Search:

Video Game

C# - Unity

A ten-minute Unity gamified experience using hidden objects, a real-time checklist, and a few surprise user-oriented clues and twists.

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Dynamic Website


Bingeables is a list-keeping website that can make a record of your favorite movies and games. With user profile integration, the database utilizes master list sorting and sub-list creation functions alongside custom recommendations.

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Windows Application

Java - JavaFX

A desktop messaging application, capable of direct messaging and a live chat room. Built in Java using websockets for network connectivity.

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Aquarium Blogging

I blog about my aquarium landscaping habits as well as my being an aquarium hobbyist on occasion. I post about my current setups, personal experiences, and best practices for aquarium keeping.

let's fish!

Meet Delta!

Delta is a dragonscale veiltail betta fish. I have currently owned Delta for four months. Delta currently lives in a well planted 2.5 gallon aquarium.

You can see more awesome pics of him here.

Say Hello to Opal!

Opal is a koi plakat betta fish. Opal's been with me for six months. Opal currently lives in a planted 3 gallon aquarium.

You can see more awesome pics of her here.

Tech Blogging

Alongside fishkeeping, I've spent a lifetime in the technological renaissance and have developed hard-pressed computer skills as a result.

Check out my console/ gaming timeline here!

I share my highlights and best gaming moments right here on my blog.

game on!

Have any suggestions or ideas I need to know about? Shoot me a message!